It's true! In late August '08, Olive or Leighton Le will join the Le Unit and rather than creating a new blog that mirrors Fayte's, we've decided to document both of our little monsters' growth and development all on a whole new blog. We are truly blessed and very excited to share this new chapter in our lives with you so please bookmark Fayte's new home on the Web at
TheLeUnit.blogspot.com. With two little monsters running around, there should be double the updates. As for this blog, it's not going anywhere so come back here to relive the pre-terrible two days (not that she isn't as wonderful these days as she was back then). As always, thanks for letting us share and thanks for visiting!
Take me to Fayte's new home on the Web!Labels: A New Beginning
A Christmas Story In Photos

Tiny Tim wishes you a merry Christmas!

Fayte tells Santa she would like "Dora and Mickey Mouse candy for Christmas"

The trains at North Park

Fayte waits for Santa

Christmas morning!

Santa delivered!

After enjoying Mommy's wonderful Christmas dinner, Fayte strums on Mommy's new Guitar Hero game

Making even more noise with her new drums from Aunt Kristi

A quick trip down to Austin to hang out with Connor

And of course a stop at the old Salt Lick in Driftwood before heading back home.

And the best present of all: NO MORE CAST!
Labels: Holidays
Thanksgiving 2007

Thanksgiving 2007 will always be remembered as the year the family went to the Cowboy Jet game at Texas Stadium and unfortunately the year that Fayte broke her leg when she impersonated Emmit Smith cutting a corner in the bathroom. On the plus side, we think she's a shoo-in for the role of Tiny Tim in this year's Dallas Children's Christmas Story production!
Even with a broken wheel, Fayte has been in great spirits especially after chowing down on yet another Thanksgiving dinner with Ong Noi at the game. We even had a visit from Aunt Kristi and cousin Connor and are very thankful good food (Thank you Alton Brown and Food Network! Your turkey recipe was AMAZING), good family, and for such a wonderful year. Have a great holiday season!
Aunt Yvonne, Ong Noi, Uncle Patrick, Connor, Aunt Kristi
Dad catches a bullet pass from Mom

Fayte finished this whole leg!
Fayte drove all the way down to Lakeway so that Andrea can give her the first haircut!
Thanksgiving at Texas Stadium
The view from our suite
In good spirits despite a broken wheel
Ong Noi
Ong Noi is the Le Family cowboy fanatic, though Mom is trying to usurp that title
Kelly Clarkson performed at halftime!
Pimping out the cast with sweet Dora decals
Reacting to the UT/A&M game (Yes, Daddy's shirt is calling for A&M's dog's paws to be "sawed off")
XRAY VISION! (Those ticks are indicator marks from the Dr...not cracks/termites)
Fayte signs the sweet new cast. She picked the elegant and not-ugly green teddy bears and balloons pattern. To each their own. Way to put your foot down on the art direction Daddy.
Labels: Holidays