Sunday, May 20, 2007


No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher' more teacher!

Mommy is coming home for the Summer! Daddy's continuing to work poolside and Fayte's apparently been helping (see below). The Le Unit has been preparing for the Summer sun with lots of hours logged at the pool, the park and various attractions around town. This blog will be as hot as the Summer in Texas so please visit regularly. On tap are visits to museums, the beach, a fishing trip in the mountains, more visits to the local zoos and if we're lucky, more baseball. We'll be on the move a lot this Summer so look for us when we come to your town!

The infamous grassy knoll

Fayte misses Mommy THIS much

Dad's hired a new account executive (Don't tell the workforce commission)

The world's #1 father-daughter synchronized swim team


More lovin'

A new summer hat worthy of the Kentucky Derby
